burial with military honors

forgotten heroes burial program

new mexico state veterans cemeteries

NM Veterans burial programs

burial with military honors

The Department of Veterans Services ensures that all eligible discharged veterans receive proper Honors during burial ceremonies. Statewide, there are 40 all-volunteer trained and uniforned Honor Guard Teams who provide a Final Salute:

-Uncovering of the Amercan Flag over casket or urn (Flag Fold)

-Cermonial Rifle Volley Salute

-Sounding of Taps

-Presentation of American Flag to next of kin

-DVS provides financial stipend for these honors

The New Mexico Department of Veterans Services holds a biannual training conference and competition for all honor guard teams across the state:

forgotten heroes burial program

Each year the NMDVS ensures that all unclaimed or indigent deceased veterans will not be alone and will receive the “Final Salute” befitting all who served to protect or freedoms.

NMDVS becomes the “Family of Record” and partners with the VA, local counties, and funeral homes to verfy veteran eligibility.

Annually, DVS conducts burial ceremonies at the Santa Fe VA National Cememtery with Full Honors.

Contact the Unclaimed Indigent Cremation Program

Email: UnclaimedIndigentProgram@bernco.gov
Phone: (505) 468-7344


new mexico state veterans cemeteries

Angel Fire State Veterans Cemetery:  505-225-4341

Fort Stanton State Veteran Cemetery
Merchant Marine Historical Cemetery:  505-383-4381

Gallup State Veteran Cemetery:  505-905-9771

Carlsbad State Veterans Cemetery (construction TBD)