Indian Health Service: Taos and Picuris
1090 Goat Springs Road
Taos NM 87571
Phone: 575-758-6977
Hours of Operation:
All Services
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday & Friday
8:00 am – 4:30 pm
Thursday 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm
Who should I call?
- Medical Appointments: 575-758-6969
- Dental Appointments: 575-758-6955
- Behavioral Health: 575-758-6900
- Prescriptions/medication refills: 575-758-6999
- Pharmacy: 575-758-6990
- Environmental Health: 575-758-6979
- Patient Referred Care: 575-758-6960
- Benefits Coordinator: 575-758-6962
- Health Information Management: 575-758-6968
- Medical/Nursing: 575-758-6922
- Administration: 575-758-6977
- After-Hours Nurse Advice Line: 855-750-5059
CEO: Dante Halleck
Phone: 575-758-6988
Chief Operating Officer: Parcae Soule
Phone: 575-758-6988
Quality Assurance: Vacant
Phone: 575-758-6974
Information Technology: Gail Osborne
Phone: 575-758-6978