Emergency services and basic needs
Good Shepherd Center
218 Iron Street SE, Albuquerque
Brother Nick
505 243 2527
Provides shelter for men; daily meals open to everyone; mail service; clothing, respiite beds for those recovering from illness; and a housing reestablishment program. Men can stay up to three months, learn skills for emplyment, provides assistance in obtaining housing.
Brother Mathias Barrett founded the Good Shepherd Refuge on January 19, 1951. We are the oldest continuously operating homeless shelter in Albuquerque.
Rock at NoonDay
2400 Second Street NW
505 246 8001
Provides clothing, hygiene, housing assistance, meals, and veteran standdowns. Closed Saturdays and Mondays. Tuesdays through Fridays 9am z-1pm and Sundays 11am–1pm
The Store House
106 Broadway SE, Albuquerque
505 842 6491
Provides free food to those who are struggling.
Joy Junction
4500 Second Street SW, Albuquerque
505 877 6967
Tanya Chavez, case manager
Shelter for men and women—families are top priority. Background checks are done on everyone for child abuse, violence and sex offenses. If there is a problem, they are not allowed in. A driver is on call 24/7 and can pick up. (Background checks done while en route to shelter.)