Women Veterans Program of New Mexico

Theresa Figueroa,
Women Veterans Liaison
505 372 9106 cell
4801 Indian School Road NE, Albuquerque, 87110
Building 2, 2nd floor

If you are a woman and served in the military, YOU are a VETERAN and eligible to receive state and federal benefits.

  • As of 2021, women accounbted for 2 illion of the nation’s veterans. Taht number is expected to reach 2.2 million by 2046.

  • New Mexico’s veteran population: 148,377 (from 2021 VA data)

  • Roughly 16,600 women veterans live in New Mexico, which is 11% of the veteran population

  • Women veteran enrollment with the VA healthcare system will increase by 27.4% by FY29


  • Equal access to medical and behavioral healthcare

  • Military sexual trama and PTSD care

  • Homelessness assistance

  • Suicide prevention

  • Substance abuse treatment

  • Childcare’

  • Community resources

what we do

  • Perform outreach to improve women veterans’ awareness of elgible state and federal benefits

  • Identify the needs of women veterans throughout the state

  • Provide information and assistance to access healthcare

  • Help with navigating benefits

  • Provide resource information

  • Advocate, advocate, advocate!

equal access to medical and behavioral health care

VA-Community-based outpatient clinics and VA Vet Centers in New Mexico phone list here.